Follow these six tips to lower instances of drowsy driving in your fleet.

Follow these six tips to lower instances of drowsy driving in your fleet.

Screenshot via MonkeySee/AAA/YouTube.

Drowsy driving is dangerous driving. Studies have shown that approximately 20% of all accidents are due to drowsy driving. Moreover, 41% of drivers admitted to falling asleep behind the wheel.

All drivers are vulnerable to drowsy driving, but commercial drivers are at higher risk as they log more and often longer consecutive hours on the road than the average motorist.

Now is a good time to remind your drivers about the perils of drowsy driving as well as tips to avoid the problem. Experts offer the following advice:

The Signs of Drowsiness

Drivers can nod off without warning. Half of drivers who had a crash after falling asleep said they had no signs of tiredness prior. However, it's easy to ignore the signs. So stay alert and if you find yourself experiencing any of the following, it is time to pull over:

  • Difficulty focusing
  • Yawning repeatedly
  • Missing exits
  • Drifting out of your lane

Enough Sleep Every Night

The Centers for Disease Control recommends seven to nine hours of shut-eye every night. Moreover, AAA research found that missing just one hour of sleep can affect concentration and reaction time while on the road and raise your risk of a crash. With just five to six hours of sleep, a driver is almost two times as likely to get into a collision. Operating a vehicle with only four to five hours of sleep is like driving drunk, notes AAA.

Plan Road Stops Ahead of Time

Mapping out where you can pull over into a rest stop before you hit the road makes smart sense. Experts recommend stopping every 100 miles or every two hours. 

Move Your Body

If you feel fatigued, take 10 minutes at a rest station to stretch your legs and do some jumping jacks. Move your body. A little bit of invigorating exercise can help you stay alert and focused once back behind the wheel.

Chew Gum

Some experts say it's good to carry gum on long drives. While there's no hard evidence, chewing a piece of gum may trigger muscles and connections in the brain and help you wake up if you're drowsy. Move the gum around in your mouth, chewing on the left side, the right side, and back again.

Pull Over and Nap

If you genuinely believe nothing else will work to keep you alert, pull off at rest stop and take a 10- to 20-minute catnap. Short naps can refresh and revive you.

About the author
Marianne Matthews

Marianne Matthews


Marianne Matthews contributes safety news and articles for the Fleet Safety newsletter. She is an experienced trade editor.

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