ALISO VIEJO, CA - Jason Koch, president, Telogis Fleet, will take part in a panel session on “The Mobilization of Fleet Management” at NAFA’s 2011 Institute & Expo held in Charlotte, N.C.

The presentation and discussion, which takes place at 10:30 a.m. on Saturday, April 9, will focus on how Web-based fleet management tools are migrating to personal digital assistants (PDA) and in-dash devices, giving fleet managers a new opportunity to leverage technology and realize increased productivity, lower costs and increased control over operations.

The panel will focus on three key concepts:

  • Breaking through the noise to identify and implement effective fleet management solutions.
  • Applying that technology to the fleet through an integrated approach that transitions from web-based solutions to a hybrid of web and mobilized systems.
  • How to develop an ROI model to justify the expense of new technology that earns the support of upper management.

The panel will be moderated by representatives from Automotive Resources International (ARI). For more information on this presentation and on NAFA’s 2011 Institute and Expo, please visit