FORT WAYNE, IN - Allen County commissioners are attempting to cut more take-home vehicles from the county's fleet, according to The Journal Gazette.

Despite a 2007 new vehicle policy hoping to reduce the number of take-home cars assigned to employees, the county still had 76 take-home cars and 204 fleet vehicles as of December, according to the purchasing department, reported the Gazette. The total does not include sheriff's vehicles.

When the commissioners revised the vehicle policy in 2007, they expected the changes would reduce the number of take-home cars by 36 because of tighter limitations on who is eligible for the cars based on work-miles driven. The county had 85 take-home cars at the time, plus 143 fleet vehicles, according to the Gazette.

This year, the county will spend about $663,960, which is similar to the cost in 2009 to provide general liability, vehicle, and property insurance. Prices decreased for most coverage except for vehicle insurance, which increased because of past losses, said Cathy Serrano, the county's risk manager.

Serrano is working with the county's purchasing director, Bob Bolenbaugh, to analyze which vehicles comply with the take-home car policy. Serrano said she will make recommendations to the commissioners after February, reported the Gazette.

In December, the commissioners approved a pilot program to track fleet vehicles, not take-home cars, using 20 GPS devices.